our little paradise

our little paradise
If I could be there today....


Life on the Mekong

Thursday, February 25, 2010

yesterday was the most gorgeous day, we woke up in our villa in the sun, had breakfast buffet on the terrace, but not as fancy as the b'fast in Siem Reap at their Victoria hotel, then we went for a walk on the beach. Yesterday, Norman had touched some rocks and cut a thin layer of skin in his foot so I wanted to find a spot to swim in without any rocks and sure enough, after about 200 meters, we found a beautiful protected beach at the next door resort " The Amaryllis hotel" and we had the best time in the warm, transparent, clean sea , us and about half a dozen of russian ladies on a vacation. Conversation was fun, we exchanged first names and the few worlds we knew in russian like : tovaritch, samovar, vodka and doz vidanya......
After the sea, we went to the pool where the water was even warmer...it felt like a bathtub, and we were the only one there, amazing feeling of being able to swim alone, just the 2 of us. Then we had to pack and send luggage to front desk, have a small lunch and get ready for our one hour massage for 39$ at the hotel's Spa, with its beautiful setting, flower arrangments and gorgeous ladies in turquoise outfits.

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