our little paradise

our little paradise
If I could be there today....


Life on the Mekong

Saturday, February 13, 2010

today is saturday the 13 th down here on the Mekong.....I hope, I am not sure anymore but Normee seems to think so.

We had a great sleep, or at least I did because of the lovely sleeping pill I took...sweet dreams and all. We had a Brkfast at the hotel, nice, and a walk finally around the block to look at the celebration of the, New Year or Tet festival, which is in conjunction with the Chinese New year and they had Tigers everywhere and entire streets decorated with flowers and altars, and families in their best attires strolling around, taking pictures.

The representatives of the cruise came to meet us on the 5 th floor where a mini-receptions with food and drinks was set for us and we met the other passengers, a mix of nationalities, some from Switzerland, some germans and Dutch, and americans from Carlifornia or Florida. it seems i am ze only french one, and everybody is very respectuful and calling Madame.

We boarded the bus and rode for on hour or so to My Tho, we passed a couple of crappy neighborhoods, but then in the country side the rice paddies shined of the brightest green, and rural landscaped replace urban chaos.

The boat stand white and blue trim, and we were escorted to the bar for a welcome coktail and introduction, and then they guided us to our cabins and brought our luggage. We love our large quarters and balcony, I took pictures of everything, and while everyone was getting settle I booked my first asian massage and it was wonderful. Right on the boat is a Spa, and for a third of what it costs in Mo'town, I had a one hour massage worth remembering.

Tomorrow, we start early to jump on a Sanpan to visit little villages. We are exhausted, but Normee is watching "Good Morning Viet Nam in the Bar with 5 other passengers.

good night everyone,

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